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ADK Directory
6026 Lakeside Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46278
United States
Phone: 888-732-3901
Web: www.stericycleexpertsolutions.com
Blog: http://stericycleexpertsolutions.com/blog
Twitter: @SteriExperts
Primary Contact: Steve Edwards
Email: [email protected]
Years in Business: 24
Industry: Product Recall Consulting
Services: A smart recall plan starts with a thorough review. ExpertSOLUTIONS shepherds companies through that process as well as SOP development, mock recall simulations and training to help design and implement a sound recall strategy for any event. We provide the tools and assistance for organizations to control their environment during even the most challenging and complex recalls.
Industries Served: Consumer Products, Pharmaceutical Products, Medical Devices, Food & Beverage, Automotive
The Product Safety & Recall Directory
4579 Laclede Ave., #326
St. Louis, Missouri 63108
Telephone: 314-497-1797
Email: [email protected]